
Posts Tagged ‘plantar fasciitis’


Oh yes, there is a similarity between Cinderella and me since Big Foot got taken down to a demure size.

Ready to get back into pretty little shoes and maybe even glass slippers!

But as you know, the big shock was the diagnosis of a new foot condition (Plantar Fasciitis) with recommended arch support inserts (the downside of too much marathon running and athletic pursuits like pole vaulting).

To add to the arsenal of curative orthopedic aids, I got some Dr. Scholl’s gel heel pads too.

Trying the heel pads first, they offered a little comfort – maybe.

Then in went the doctor-provided arch supports for the next test.

“These things take up a lot of space,” I thought, because the shoes were uncomfortably tight.

But I wore the inserts anyway and grimaced my way through the day until finally it was bedtime.


The very first thing was to get rid of those miserably tight shoes and of course I gratefully removed the arch inserts.

And there were the Dr. Scholl’s labels!

Picture this:  Underneath the arch support things,

were the heel support things,

all stacked to create some very tight shoes!

Don’t you wonder what Prince Charming would have thought of all that mistakenly placed double padding?

This sheepish Cinderella stayed home all the next day.

Never mind prepping for the ball.

It wasn’t because she had to clean fireplace cinders, but she was googling for information about the side effects of stacking too many shoe inserts in a glass slipper.



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DeVinci quote on feet

I can hardly believe it but Big Foot is now Little Foot again!

That is cause for celebration.

Or is it?

Yes, the swelling is down.

And Yes, I no longer need the Big Boot.

But for over a week now there is a new piercing heel pain

which according to the expert Foot Man (podiatrist),

is the result of wearing the Big Boot for 3 months!

This common condition is called PLANTAR FASCIITIS.

I have graduated from Bone Marrow Edema to Plantar Fasciitis!

This can also take months to heal too and requires icing, bending, pushing, pulling,  resting, exercising, adding shoe inserts and the possibility of

sleeping with a stretching brace.


I am patient, slow to tearful demonstrations, and even slower to overt signs of anger.

I don’t mind putting my feet first (and up)  for a while.  But three months?  And then months more?!!!!!!!

Any objection to WHINING?

Dr Seuss on Lucky










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