
Posts Tagged ‘writing’

Photo by Lisa on Pexels.com

I believe in writer’s block because I have had it for about two years now. It began just before the pandemic. Oh wouldn’t it be lovely to blame it on that?

How confined one becomes when hunkering down.

Or maybe I could blame it on Big Foot and then the Creaky Hip.

Perhaps it is a matter of concentration.

Or maybe I need to take a different eye view of the world,

a walk on the wild side

or just time for contemplation.

Can you tell I have reflected on this?

And have come to a conclusion

that in the end, there is really no writer’s block.

You simply have to sit down and start writing.

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“Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows.”
– Helen Keller

There are times when I forget I am dragging around a foot with an injured bone – moments when I despair of lurking dark places.

But not today.

Today BigFoot-Dor is smiling.

Cindy of Mama’s Empty Nest nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award!

This special award is as inspirational as a warm sun-shiny day.

Thank You Cindy for the reminder to keep my face in the sun to avoid seeing shadows.

And the Sunshine Blogger rules include:

  • Thank the blogger(s) that nominated you in the post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 8-11 bloggers to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award Logo on your post and/or in your blog.

Now here are Cindy’s questions for me with my answers in italics:

  1. Honestly now, could you live without your cell phone?  Why or why not?  I could live without it but must admit it would be sorely missed.  A few times I have driven away, forgetting the little darling and as soon as I think about it, I panic.  What if something happened?  Where would I go to call for help?
  2. If someone were to name your greatest achievement in life, what would you want to be remembered for? My kindness and contagious laughter.
  3. When you smell your favorite aroma, what does it make you think of? Hearty bread like the kind you get in Europe (or Whole Foods).
  4. What is the most vivid dream you can remember? It was a nightmare of my whole family drowning.
  5. Have you made a bucket list and if so, what is the #1 item you want to cross off? I have not made a list but I know I would include a month at a beautiful beach.
  6. What is your best personality trait and your worst? My best personality trait is my eagerness to help when anyone is in distress.  My worst trait is a tendency to worry too much.
  7. What would be your ultimate dream career? I already had that dream career travelling overseas as a kind of tour guide.
  8. You just won $10 million, what will you do with the money? I would begin to give it away to family and friends to help them fulfill their wishes and I would fulfill a few of my own
  9. Where is your favorite vacation spot and why?   I love it here for the mountain views, the wildlife and forests. It is where I am the happiest and most relaxed.
  10. Which do you prefer, reading on an e-reader or reading a book with paper pages?   A book with paper pages, but I am getting used to the e-reader too now.  I am an ambidextrous reader.
  11. Country life or urban dweller? What’s your preference and why? Country life!  I love it.  I love the quiet, the simplicity, the friendly people, the lack of traffic, the creatures, and more.

Now – Nominating cyberspace friends to be Sunshine Bloggers is the challenge of this award.

Over the years I have come to know and love more and more of you and to appreciate your wisdom, humor and talent. Also, I know many of you hate these award things and if you are one of those, consider this simply a nod of admiration and recognition from an awed and avid reader.

If you are not on the list and would like to be, please feel free to join the “team.”

But here are the fellow bloggers I think might respond – those who never fail to shed  sunlight on my days.  There are more of course – lots more.

Age Before Beauty

Andrew’s View of the Week


Emjay and Them’s Blog

I choose how I will spend the rest of my life

Living and Lovin

Mehrling Muse

Musings of a Horse Mom

The Mountain Kitchen

Views and Mews by Coffee Kat

And here are your questions:

  1. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?  Do you wish you were the other and why?
  2. Are you an animal lover?  What pets do you have and love?
  3. Who was your favorite teacher and why?
  4. Have you ever had a bad habit you  broke?  What was it and how did you change it?
  5. What is your favorite place to relax?  Explain where it is and why it helps.
  6. What is your favorite movie of all time?
  7. Do you love to travel or do you hate it?  Why?
  8. Are you an organized or a disorganized person?
  9. Are you always late, early, or right on time?  Are there any advantages or disadvantages to your timing?
  10. Do you create lots of blog posts in advance of publishing or do you do one at a time?
  11. What inspires you to create a blog post?

If you did participate in this rather insightful exercise, I thank you.  If not, I thank you anyway for shedding sunlight on my days!



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It occurred to me this morning that I need to just sit down and write.

Having a blank mind and an idle pen only magnifies an unexplained malaise.  Maybe it started with the BigFoot that continues to plague me, but this is hopefully the end of Blog Fog!

For today I can provide some exciting unexpected writing (and hopefully reading).

Because today I am celebrating a wise purchase.

Not being able to shop afoot I have been keenly watching the internet for life changing “things” to perk me up.  And there it was -THE GARDEN OF EDEN!

Actually it’s a quilt.  A microfiber quilt that promises to “add an extra layer of light weight warmth.”  And it does just that.

But this quilt is also a Garden of Eden to behold.  It is complete with butterflies and flowers, berries and greenery in an overwhelming array of images that take you out of yourself and into paradise and ecstacy.   (Please remove your minds from the gutter though.  This is ethereal stuff.)


Ever pragmatic, Bill says, “But it’s missing snakes and apples.”

Nevertheless, and even though this quilt is a bit too busy to suit my craving for clean clear modernistic, uncluttered lines, I love it.  It is definitely light but warm and cozy-soft, and I drift into sweet dreams where I am lithely running across heavenly fields, no longer dragging the big bad boot behind.

Watch out now my friends in cyberspace.  ‘Tis the end of Blog Fog here in Virginia and the beginning of ecstatic posts to wow you.

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www.schoolfonts.com ZWriting Guided for Zaner-Bloser Cursive Writing work sheets and curiculum

ZWriting Guided for Zaner-Bloser Cursive Writing work sheets and curiculum

They say the art of elegant penmanship is disappearing.

If you are still writing in “cursive” you are a member of the leftover generation who are from the Age of Wisdom.

Many others are regressing to caveman status and posting cartoons on walls to tell their stories.

But we, of the Age of Wisdom, do love to complain about lost luxuries like talking and writing.

Talking is disappearing along with longhand writing since most people are texting now.  Texting is a true form of shorthand without having to learn how to really do it.  There are books on how to learn shorthand, but I suppose those are extinct too.

 I remember there were two teenagers in the back seat of my car who sat in stony silence.

“Why are you so quiet back there?” I asked.

“We’re texting each other.”

TALKING USED TO BE IMPORTANT FOR SOCIAL REASONS but nowadays, people go to analysts to understand why nobody talks to them.

Communication has been “dumbing” down this way, and there is now widespread use of block printing punctuated by hearts and smiley faces to demonstrate approval.  Like the now missing physical hug, our vocal chords may also be in danger of going extinct.


If most people cannot read it, then most people will not know what it says, and most people will not know how to forge it!  How can anyone forge something that looks like it is written in a secret code they have never seen before?

I write all my checks in cursive now.  Ha!  Try forging that!

And if I want my check to be “lost in the mail”, I address it in cursive writing.  How many postal clerks can figure that out, particularly if the zip code is slightly obliterated?

  • Cursive held a firm place in the predawn era of interstellar connections, but is now verging on extinct.  This may sound sad, but consider it a HAPPY ADVANTAGE because it is indecipherable to the uninformed.
  • Script writing is beautiful when done properly, but requires training and practice.  This is a primary advantage to us old timers since the copiers and forgers cannot decipher anything so written..
  • Those in the know can communicate to others in the know in a code that cannot be easily translated by those who are not in the know.
  • Pen pals can share deep dark secrets with no fear of being discovered.
  • GURUS FROM THE AGE OF WISDOM CAN OPENLY COMPLAIN about the young and the restless now in the Age of the Uninformed who can only block print and post symbols on walls.
  • As the Keepers of the Code, OURS IS THE KINGDOM OF EXPANDING SOCIAL COMPANIONSHIP and we can still talk.

Have you ever tried writing in a style where all the letters in a word are connected?

Just think how excited you will be to find you can write entire words without lifting your pencil from the paper.

Oh, I forgot.  Writing paper is almost extinct too.

Cursive comes from the past participle of the Latin word currere, which means “to run.” In cursive handwriting, the letters all run into one another and the hand runs across the page, never lifting between letters. Every time a document asks for your signature at the bottom, you are meant to use this flowing cursive writing style.
Definition from: http://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/cursive

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Daily Prompt: Connect the Dots

Open your nearest book to page 82.  Take the third full sentence on the page, and work it into a post somehow.

“It wasn’t long before another idea came to mind: maybe I could sell some at the Women’s Institute meetings where housewives baked cakes, made jams, pastries, pickles and many other food items to sell.” 

I am not good at much.  I mean I’m not particularly talented.  So, when I was invited to join the Women’s Institute I was shocked.  Why me?  Were they desperate or what?

You see, the Women’s Institute is a club where the women actually compete by baking cakes, making jams, pastries, pickles and lots of other food items with an eye to selling them. 

I don’t enjoy competition.  Some garden clubs are like that too.  They compete to see who has the best flower arrangements.  I would wind up with one flower in a stem vase and that would leave me shaking in the composition phase.  That is why I have never joined a garden club.

What to do?  Should I accept the invitation to join the Women’s Institute?  It wasn’t long before another idea came to mind: maybe I could make some of my coconut macaroons.  They usually come out o.k. and even though my husband hates them I think they have a certain character.

So I accepted and now any time the ladies have a “cook-in” competition, I make my Macaroons.  They have nicknamed me “The Macaroon Lady.”

Like I say,” I’m not good at much,” but with twenty years of practice, the macaroons have made me famous!

Note:  The third sentence on Page 82 of my nearest book was from  Rita Roberts, my blogger friend’s published book,

 Toffee Apples & Togas, available on Amazon.com.   It makes for delightful reading.

Note #2:  I am not really famous, but the macaroons are pretty good.



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The Way Out - Untrodden

Last Winter was Bad Enough!

Daily Prompt:  Ready, Set, Done

Today, write about anything – but you must write for exactly ten  minutes, no more, no less.

I am writing for 10 minutes.  There is nothing to say but I am writing anyway.  It is a cool, sweet morning promising that autumn is around the corner.  Autumn used to be my favorite time of year and I still feel that surge of excitement when there is a chill in the air.

The animals seem to feel it too.  A squirrel finally got up enough courage to trespass past our garden gate to forage for things he could store for winter.

People are saying this will be a horrible winter filled with snow storms and bitter cold.

I keep telling Bill to refill the wood pile.  Our wood stove can be a lifesaver in weather like that.

The worst thing that happens around here in winter is the loss of electricity.  Not being able to see in the dark is only one problem.

The worst problem is the lack of water.  We are on a well system and it needs electricity to keep going.  So when it’s off, we can’t flush toilets (and it’s too cold to go in the woods).

We have a little generator though and if there is enough fuel, that can keep us going for a few days until we need more fuel.

Why am I worried about the onslaught of a bad winter?  Well, I love studying survival tactics.  I made a book of things to do in weather emergencies or pandemics.  If you want to know some of those secrets, just let me know.

Friends tend to laugh at me because the pantry is always so full.  You will never go hungry here they say… and it’s true I guess.  Although I am not hoarding food so much anymore I do believe in stocking things up that promise to last for years.

I especially like the one about fruit cakes.

Fruitcakes in tins literally have no expiration date.  This holiday season I plan to buy several fruit cakes. 

They should last until I die.  Right?  Then I will leave them in my will to the people most important to me.  I will conduct a poll first though to see who really loves fruitcake.

My friend, Janet, makes them every year to give away, and one of her friends had his fruitcake gift shellacked to make it into a doorstop.  That would defeat my purpose of survival by saving a non perishable food.

I doubt anyone will ever read this but I will publish it anyway just because it is a fun exercise and I would recommend it to fellow bloggers.  It will give you an idea of what to write about in a regular post.

Like I am now going to write something about what is in my “Survival Book” for those who are as paranoid as I am.

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Corner Office 1Daily Prompt:  Write Here, Write Now

Write a post entirely in the present tense.

I am sitting at my little corner office that doubles as a night stand!   

My friends and family say I should campaign for a room of my own – an office.   My own office?

I like this little corner because everything is right here. I know I have to keep it all neat or drown in a morass of “To Do” notes, ideas for blogs, and files that get are so full the drawer freezes. When writing right here I do tend to overlook choked files and other more mundane chores but time is irrelevant.

I am happy here in my little corner of the world and it’s nice that friends feel sorry for me.  Enjoying undeserved pity is a pleasurable thing after all.

Mostly I blog.  Doesn’t that sound awful?  Like Blllllaaaah!  I Bllllloggg!  It sounds nicer to say, “I am having silent but poignant conversations with a group of friends I love.” 

But I am happy in “this here corner” because I am creating.  Writing to me is like a jigsaw puzzle and I am always looking for the right piece to complete the whole.  Writing is my hobby and my obsession.

So here I am again in the same place at the same time (actually all the time) and the only downside is my backside’s growing so I am joining the “Y” as of February 1st!

Back soon…… Pity-Comments welcome!

Your invisible friend, Dor

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Christi is my niece.  She read the Writer’s Block post I recently entered, and she actually took the time to think about my dilemma.  I was at an impasse and quite incapable of creative thought , much less creative writing.

Christi then shared an idea she had for restoring creativity and the urge to write.

Here is what she said:

“Aunt Dorothy,

I have been reading about your writer’s block and I have an idea that might help.  Go for a drive, go somewhere you don’t normally go and just look around.  I suggest this because as I am sitting here in NYC, I looked up and saw a sign for a nuclear fallout shelter.  I starting thinking that I had never seen one before and then, I wondered how many people had even noticed it.  What kinds of things exist around us every day that we either don’t notice, or take advantage of?

I don’t know if this will help your writer’s block or not, but I hope it does.”


Isn’t this fantastic advice?

And it works!  I actually went for a drive today and came up with a great idea.

Thanks Christi.  You make a difference.

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