
Posts Tagged ‘watch dog’


“I was a very cute, happy, well adjusted puppy.  One night when I was blissfully sleeping, there was a terrible thunder storm with brilliant flashes of lightning.  Or maybe it was an earthquake or even a tornado.  In any case, at the same time as this event, a big heavy book fell off a shelf and hit me on my head.  It hurt.   My human mother came and comforted me but the pain and shivering didn’t stop for a long time.  And from that day on, I believed the sky would fall on me again and it might kill me.  And I have terrible nightmares.”

Sleepy Rozie

My name is Rozie.  I am an old dog now with a checkered past.  I am a rescue dog and have been rescued more than once.  No one knows my real story though.

I am a big, mean looking canine now, with a ferocious growl.   I can scare big men so I am a magnificent watch dog if I hear you coming.   The problem is I’m usually asleep.  They say that once, when a bear walked by, I just slept through the visit.

It should be noted that in my few waking hours, I am frightened.  I still remember the sky might fall and I watch the windows for a darkening sky or an unusual wind.  Backfires, gunshots, or a twig hitting the window are terrifying and thunderstorms are the worst.  They drive me (and my adopted lady, Dor) into a closet where sounds are muffled and smells are of comforting human clothing and old shoes!  My lady rubs me down with a dryer sheet to reduce static electricity. It feels pretty good but old shoes smell better.   Isn’t that a great idea though?

I am a very old dog named Rozie and still convinced the sky is falling because it fell on me once before, when I was a puppy.   And only my humans can save me.    There is no convincing me otherwise and I still have terrible nightmares.   My adopted humans want to help but all they can do now is hold  my paw through the hard times, and give me all their love.

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