
Posts Tagged ‘Exotic Food’

Ubon Thai Victorian Inn 2Yesterday I went again with my friend to the Ubon Thai Victorian Restaurant and Inn in Staunton, Virginia!

I know the name of the place is enough to make you smile!

We had been there before for lunch on one of our “outings” but were hankering again for the ultra delicious Thai food.

And we were once again greeted by the happy energetic Mrs. Ubon Herlong.  She was born in Nakonsawan City, Thailand) and is the eager-to-please owner/chef/server who insists demands you enjoy yourself.   She loves telling stories of her life in Thailand and will even call you “Baby!”  And her cheerful presence actually enhances the authentic Thai dining experience.

“No MSG here!” she said.  “All organic!  You want MSG?  You go Chinese!”  Ubon and Dan Herlong

And we are immediately grinning.

Our big smiles begin in the parking lot in back and escalate as we follow our noses down meandering garden steps.  Somehow we wander into a Thai inspired world of kitschy ethnic charm.  The restaurant is in a building 150 years old offering succulent food inspired by Anna and the King of Siam! The name of the place is cause enough for smiling, but merging the Thai culture and cuisine with a splendidly elegant Victorian atmosphere is totally unique.

And then there is Dan Herlong (Ubon’s husband) who graciously took us on a tour of the Inn the first time we were there.  This time he showed us a cell phone tracking device that helps you find your misplaced phone.  It beeps louder when you are heading in the right direction!

And of course the building is a beautiful example of the Victorian age in Virginia.  Within blocks of downtown Staunton it was once called The Belle Grae Inn and was built in 1870 as part of a 200 acre farm at the edge of town.

Today’s version of the Belle Grae Inn in Staunton’s historic “New Town” is now the Ubon Thai Victorian Restaurant and Inn.   It’s a pleasant walk to shops and museums and an easy drive to Colonial and Civil War history, a little tricky to find, but patience and a bit of circling around Staunton got us there just fine with “ample parking.”

But the irresistible draw of the Ubon Thai Victorian Restaurant

and the cause of so many smiles is the attention and the food!  

Ubon makes you feel you are visiting her in Thailand and the food?  

Well, the food is simply delicious!





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