
Posts Tagged ‘Guy Fawkes Day’



Some of my friends actually set off fireworks on the day I was born.

What a great honor huh?

And if you are wondering why these folks are so devoted, well, it is because they are from England.

Now that does not really explain the fireworks does it?

Notwithstanding their delightful accents and delectable gifts (like Terry’s Chocolate Oranges, Cadbury Biscuits, and All Butter Shortbread Fingers from Harrod’s), these lovely people always remember November 5th and they have been remembering it since 1605!

They celebrate that day because a fellow named Guy Fawkes tried to blow up King James I during the opening of Parliament.

Having long memories and able to hold a grudge for centuries, the English have been drinking cavorting, and setting off fireworks ever since.  In other words, every year they celebrate

G u y    F a w k e s    Day!

And that’s my birthday!  A little history never hurts right?

Now if you are not English, will you please mark your calendar so as not to miss this auspicious event?

History of Guy Fawkes Day

There are lots of stories about Guy Fawkes Day, but here is a concise summary from www.history.com:

Catholic dissident Guy Fawkes and 12 co-conspirators spent months planning to blow up King James I of England during the opening of Parliament on November 5, 1605.  But their assassination attempt was foiled the night before when Fawkes was discovered lurking in a cellar below the House of Lords next to 36 barrels of gunpowder. 

Londoners immediately began lighting bonfires in celebration that the plot had failed, and a few months later Parliament declared November 5 a public day of thanksgiving. 

Guy Fawkes Day, also known as Bonfire Night, has been around in one form or another ever since.  Though originally anti-Catholic in tone, in recent times it has served mainly as an excuse to watch fireworks, make bonfires, drink mulled wine and burn Guy Fawkes effigies (along with the effigies of current politicians and celebrities).

Portrait of King James I

Portrait of King James I



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