
Posts Tagged ‘Fawns’

Yesterday we spotted a Mommy/Doe and her triplets!  We passed them on our country road in a neighbor’s horse pasture.

I looked up and around and what did I see?

Three tiny rein-deer staring right back at me.*

And there they were, the Mom and her three fawns looking at us through the pasture fence.

They were startled by our car and quickly ran away, except for one.

A courageous baby remained to stare us down.

I call her Brave Bambi.

Bambi 2

She and her siblings are so tiny  (even though Bambi looks fairly large here), they actually resemble stuffed toy gifts for infant humans.

Note: The deer in Virginia are actually not “rein-deer.”  Ours are white-tailed deer who live in meadows and forests, and have poor adaptations for snow, whereas reindeer live in cold areas and have special split hooves for walking on ice and snow. Both male and female reindeer also have antlers.  In contrast, only the male of the species for White-tailed deer have antlers.

From: http://www.reference.com




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Can't Stop NowI am beyond excited!

Bill and I were on our road home tonight when we saw a doe and her spotted baby.

“Oh look”, I said,  “There is the Mama deer and her little one we have seen lately in the neighborhood.”  I always wished I could get a photograph but Virginia doe and their fawns are often very elusive.

“No! Look!  There are TWO!” I cried, “And  they are TWINS and they are feeding!”

Bill stopped the car and I held my breath.

The Mama deer looked right at us as if to say, “I CAN’T MOVE NOW.  DON’T YOU SEE THESE KIDS ARE HUNGRY?”

And there she stayed for several minutes, just long enough for me to take out the camera and try to get a shot.

Mama n Younguns

Twin Fawns Suckling

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